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Making a Difference in the Marshall Islands

Kaminaga and Lydia Kaminaga, BYU–Hawaii alumni from the Marshall Islands, made a decision. “We decided that we should be some of those people that make a difference…If we as Marshallese citizens don’t make changes for the better for our people, who will?” And since graduation in 2008, they have spent their time doing just that. 

A political science major, Lydia has been appointed to a post with the Republic of the Marshall Islands Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Last year, she represented her country and stood at the podium at the United Nations in New York City to address the entire assembly. As a Foreign Service Officer, Lydia travels often to represent her country to the world.

“Some of my main duties are to promote peace, support prosperity, and protect Marshallese citizens while advancing the interest of the Marshall Islands abroad,” Lydia says. Though her career places demands on her time, energy, and talents, Lydia’s priorities are obvious in her efforts as a mother and her activity in the Church. She and her husband serve as seminary and institute teachers in addition to other ward callings. 

Lydia’s husband Kaminaga studied biology at BYU-Hawaii and now works as the Marshall Islands’ Climate Change Coordinator. The Marshall Islands are compiled of low-lying coral atolls threatened by rising sea levels, says Phillip McArthur, an expert on the Marshall Islands. In his current position, “Kaminaga has become the key point person speaking on behalf of his country regarding environmental dangers.” Like his wife, Kaminaga has traveled the world to ensure the future well-being of his home country. His Japanese and English skills gained on his mission and as a student at BYU–Hawaii have been a significant blessing in his professional life. 

According to Lydia, “One of the most important lessons we learned at BYU–Hawaii was that if a small campus can bring together the whole world to work together in harmony, then it can happen anywhere else. I’ve taken that lesson, and have made it one of my main responsibilities to show people that it can work.”

McArthur observes, “Kaminaga and Lydia demonstrate how students from this university truly do go forth and serve in the Church and their home nations to provide leadership and fulfill President McKay’s prophecy.”

Following a visit to BYU–Hawaii, Elder David A. Bednar continued his tour of the Pacific Islands and became the first apostle to visit the Marshall Islands. Click here to read the story. 

Photo courtesy Lydia Kaminaga