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Elder Won Yong Ko: Heavenly Father's Divine Design

In this school we call life, teaching moments are not just by simple lectures in the [metaphorical] classrooms, but through other experiences, stated Elder Won Yong Ko, Philippines Area Presidency First Counselor, and member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in his devotional speech at BYU-Hawaii on March 24. Ko, a native of Korea and now living in the Philippines, spoke of "Heavenly Father's Divine Design," clarifying that God's Design, the Plan of Salvation, was tailored for each and every one of us.

He quoted Elder Neal A. Maxwell, stating that the Lord created this planet—our customized schoolhouse—so carefully that it would be environmentally inhabitable, and that God carefully designed the curriculum to be strictly consistent with his purpose. Ko summed, "I love [Elder Neal A. Maxwell's] insight when he says that this planet is a customized schoolhouse … which means that even though we are living in this world, … we all are studying different curriculums fitted to our own individual stations."

Ko then focused on BYU-Hawaii's corner in the classroom of life, asking two questions: "What is the Divine Design for you at this school, [and] what kind of curriculum provided by Heavenly Father is for you here in BYU-Hawaii?"

To these questions he taught that we should understand different cultures and internalize the good things from each. Because of the cultural variety on this campus, we "do not have to spend a lot of time traveling. … [We] can learn diverse cultures and languages and customs" right here. He further taught that disparity between cultures cease when we embrace everyone in a Christ-like way, even in their imperfections. "This is our curriculum which we should study diligently. Then we can develop the attitude of learning and loving," he said.

"BYU-Hawaii is not an ordinary academic school," he stated. "We want to see that your faith and testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Gospel will become strengthened and more firmly grounded while you study here. This is another Divine Design made by Heavenly Father for you. … [This preparation period will] not only [be] good for the Church, but also … for the companies or organizations where you will work after [graduation]."

He noted that employers search for those that are trustworthy, sincere, and cooperative. After quoting the characteristics that the Apostle Paul listed in the thirteenth Article of Faith, he said, "Where can employers find the best candidates than at this school where students are taught these principles?" He continued, "If you are faithful in keeping the commandment and pursuing all the virtues taught in the Gospel, you will not only be blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ but also will be highly competitive in your professional career. You will become a person welcomed by any organization in the world."

He shared the instabilities he experienced in his own career; although serious problems could have derailed him, "those situations were not [his] end of life." Because of the gospel, he "could look at matters more objectively and … solve problems better because [he] did not have to worry about [himself]. He summed, "When we conduct ourselves based on the gospel standards, we will always be respected and welcomed by the people around us, either by the boss, or by colleagues, or the people working for us."

He encouraged students "to develop a confidence and an unshaken belief on the gospel principles through these school years and continuously after … [because] this [was] another Divine Design for [them]."

He then focused on "life with Heavenly Father's Divine Design after school, quoting the school's mission statement of "prepar[ing] students with character and integrity who can provide leadership in their families, their communities, their chosen field and in building the kingdom of God." 

He asked a rhetorical question: "Where should you go to build the kingdom of God, [and] what is Heavenly Father's Divine Design for you in this regard?" His answer was simple—to the Lord. Furthermore, he stated, "You need to help the community and your chosen field in building the kingdom of God"; he counseled students to think about what place would be best for them, what place Heavenly Father designed for them individually.

"Wherever you go, you can make a difference; you can be an influence for good," he said. As an added reminder, he noted, "Whatever direction you go and whatever decisions you make, you should invite the mercy of the Lord to go with you. … He will bless your life and fill in all the gaps you may miss because of your decision to follow Him."

In closing, he said, "Think about what things Heavenly Father expects you to learn from this curriculum in His schoolhouse, which is our life in this world. It gives us great understanding of His plan, which is a Plan of Happiness, and when we follow His Divine Design, our lives will be more blessed, and we can be close to Him."

--Photo by Monique Saenz