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Campus Community

Devotional Speaker Addresses "Healing the Sickness We Share"

James L. Ferrell, managing director of the Arbinger Institute, and author of “The Anatomy of Peace,”and “The Peace Giver” spoke at the weekly BYU-Hawaii University Devotional, Thursday, 15 March.

Addressing the topic “Healing the Sickness We Share,” Brother Ferrell shared several personal stories to illustrate the symptoms of the sickness. Anger, resentment, and lack of charity were three of the symptoms he described.

“It is easy to see the “brokenness” in others,” said Brother Ferrell,“but we cannot be healed until we see the ‘brokenness’ in ourselves.”

“The Church”, said Brother Ferrell,“ is like a hospital,and we are all among the ill.” He went on to say that Jesus Christ is our Savior because he is not “broken.” The gospel of Jesus Christ is designed to awaken us to our own “broken” state, so that we can turn to Christ and be perfected, or made whole, in him.

Brother Ferrell related the story of the Prodigal Son, saying that the turning point for the prodigal was when he “came to himself,” repented and returned home. His father rejoiced and welcomed him with a feast. Brother Ferrell then pointed out that the resentful older son was also invited to the feast. But he stood without. “We do not know if he entered and partook of the feast,” said Brother Ferrell. “He would only be able to enter and partake if he were okay with his younger brother being there.”

He then concluded, “We all need the Savior equally, because each of us needs to be healed in some way. Remember, only let your sins trouble you.”

The University Chorale, directed by Jerold Ottley, set the tone for the devotional message by singing “One Voice.”
